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Sidechain Gate

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Mac OS X Universal • PC Windows
Audio Units • VST • Universal Sidechains • MIDI Control

side-chain gating, the easy way

Sidechain Gate lets you perform clever mixing techniques, by using a source track to gate a destination track.  For example, you can use a complex hi-hat pattern in one track to rhythmically gate a synth pad in another track.  Or simplify a busy bass guitar by gating it from a kick drum track (so the bass guitar is only heard when the kick drum sounds).

What's more, Sidechain Gate is easy to use, and works in almost any audio software package - even those that do not directly support side-chaining *** .  It only takes a few mouse clicks and you're up and running!

Intelligent Gating On Single Tracks Too

Sidechain Gate also performs brilliantly as a conventional insert effect.  The EQ and Shape controls allow you to intelligently gate problem recordings.  Say you want to clean up a noisy recording of a snare drum, which has some bleed-through from a crash cymbal.  Simply use the Hi Cut control to filter out the higher frequencies, and then the gate will only open when the snare is hit.


•  crisp, low distortion gating even with short attack/release times

•  easy multi track side-chaining based on db audioware's Universal Sidechains

•  elegant user interface with clear visual feedback

•  precision control over the gating response (EQ & Shape)

•  full MIDI control, with easy to use MIDI Learn

Universal Sidechains

At the heart of Sidechain Gate is db audioware's Universal Sidechains , the most popular and well-tested independent side-chain method on the market.  Universal Sidechains let you side-chain in most multi track hosts, even if the host software itself does not have that native capability *** .

So when you want to do multi track side-chaining, simply open two copies of Sidechain Gate, one in your "send" track and one in your "receive" track.  Set the plug-in controls as shown below and your Universal Sidechain is ready to go!

Notice that when set up like this ( External Trig is on), the "send" plug-in does not gate the audio, but passes audio unprocessed directly to its output. Only the "receive" plug-in acts as a gate. For full details please see the User Manual .


MIDI Control

If you prefer to control your plug-ins with hardware knobs or sliders, Sidechain Gate is happy to oblige. Thanks to db audioware's easy-to-use MIDI Learn feature, it's simple to map any on-screen control to your favourite external MIDI control surface.

*** Universal Sidechains work with most multi-track audio software (supporting VST or Audio Units) currently available on PC Windows and Mac OS X. However, you should check that Universal Sidechains work correctly on your system before purchasing. Fully functional demo versions of all our products are available for this purpose.


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Plug-in Standards

  • Works with any host program supporting

    • VST (PC Windows)

    • Audio Units or VST (Mac OS X)

  • Supports VST2.4; automation

Operating Systems

  • PC Windows XP

  • Mac OS X 10.4 (10.4.8 or better) - Universal Binary

Recommended PC

  • Pentium3 800MHz or better processor

  • at least 256MB of memory

  • minimum display resolution 1024x768 with 16k colors

Recommended Mac

  • G4 1GHz or better

  • Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz or better

  • Universal Binary supports PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs

Copy Protection

  • Software challenge/response system to key each user license to a unique computer

Download Free Trial Version

The trial version of Sidechain Gate operates exactly as the real product, with these limitations:

•  Demo reminder appears when plug-in starts.

•  Plug-in emits random bursts of noise from time to time.

For minimum system requirements and details of plug-in compatibility, please see the Sidechain Gate specification.


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