
Playlist Creator


Playlist Studio


Playlist Streamer




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You are welcome to download the trial versions of our software and try them for 30 days. Full help documentation is included with each package.  Studio requires a track scheduler, eg. Creator, to supply playlists for automation purposes.

Download both Creator and Studio below to trial our full suite.
Both are required for automation purposes.

Note: The Trial editions cannot be unlocked.  Registered users should not install this software.


StationPlaylist Creator Trial Edition

The trial edition of Creator has all functionality of the Pro edition, but has a limit on the number of categories, spot groups, rotations & schedules that may be created.

Playlist files may be created and used for broadcasting.  The schedule template and Related Artists are not permanently saved and simply need re-creating at every load.

The install package also includes StationPlaylist Scheduler which will function continuously for 48 hours and then terminate, however, it may then be restarted.


StationPlaylist Studio Trial Edition

The trial edition of Studio has all functionality of the Pro edition, however, it will terminate after 6 hours of continuous operation.  It may then be restarted for another 6 hours.


StationPlaylist Streamer Trial Edition

Streamer is a stand-alone stream encoder program designed to take the audio from the soundcard, optionally pass it through a software compressor/limiter, and encode the audio to a stream in various/multiple formats for broadcasting on the internet.

Note: This software does not play or produce any audio.  StationPlaylist Creator and StationPlaylist Studio is designed for that purpose.  See the Products web page for more information.

The trial edition of Streamer will terminate after 6 hours of continuous operation.  It may then be restarted for another 6 hours.


Studio Playlist Demonstration

We have created a demonstration playlist for showing off some of Studio's features.  It includes voice tracks and several songs truncated to 30 seconds for legal reasons.  You are welcome to download and install the playlist.  The trial edition of Studio will detect the playlist and load it automatically.

The voice tracks in the playlist are not pre-mixed with any songs.  Voice track / song ramp overlapping is a feature of Studio Pro.


Stand-alone Studio Configuration for club DJ's

Studio requires one particular option to be changed, to work best in a stand-alone environment, without a music scheduler.  After loading Studio, load the Options from the View menu.  On the Advanced tab, change the Hour Marker option to Ignore.  This will prevent Studio from forcing tracks to be played within a specific hour, as required for most radio broadcasters.



Download Creator v 4.21 (3.2 MB)

Download Studio v 4.21 (4.4 MB)

Download Streamer v4.21 (1.8 MB)

Download Demo Playlist (5.2 MB)

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© URAL MULTIMEDIA GROUP, official dealer StationPlaylist in Russia & CIS, 2015 ã.